《The mists of Avalon》(《亚瑟王传奇》/《阿瓦隆迷雾》)
不是今年那部票房惨淡的《King Arthur》(《亚瑟王》),而是2001年,根据魔幻小说家Marion Zimmer Bradley1982年的同名小说改编的迷你剧集。是属于目前为止,我所见到的对有关亚瑟王传奇及其人物体系交待最为丰富和完整的影视作品了。亚瑟、桂妮蔚、兰斯洛特、梅林、湖中夫人等等人物都有出现,并且如蟠龙在梅林协助下幽会伊格琳生下压瑟、亚瑟和姐姐摩根结合生下毛德列、兰斯洛特和湖中夫人的关系、毛德列轼父等平时罕见有出现的情节也一一交待,算是让我这个准亚瑟迷过了些瘾头。
其实这从片名《the mists of Avalon》已经可以了解
The movie “the mists of Avalon” is a very different movie to tell the Arthurian legends from the perspective of the female character including his mother Igraine; his half-sister Morgaine; his aunt Viviane, the Lady of the Lake and his wife, Gwenwyfar. The film also shows the decline of people’s faith in Avalon. The film is set in the period when Christian invaded England and people’s faith in Avalon gradually declined.
After King Arthur led his knights of the Round Table to fight in the last battle for the glory of Avalon, one of the greatest knights of the Round Table died with his body stretched peacefully. It was Lancelot, King Arthur's right-hand man, Morgan's cousin, who sticked to the code of chivalry to the last moment. In medieval times, the code of chivalry were some behaviors for a knight to follow, and the quanlities the knight had to possess, which also known as chivalry, included bravery, piety and chaste devotion. Here I would like to focus on the chivalry Lancelot possessed.
《阿瓦隆的迷雾》琼·艾伦作品,the mists of Avalon
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